Friday, 25 September 2009

HDIF presents: Cavalcade - Jamm

Aw man, it took me so long to get here. I have to make a quick getaway at the end so I drove here and forgot that I have no sense of direction.
When I finally stumble in, I've missed the first band, and I guess the first few songs of Cavalcade's set. Very lush and pastoral, a little bit jangly too, I can imagine listening to this whilst cycling through forests. Hmm, I hear drums, but see none on stage, just three chaps with two guitars and a bass. I hear keyboards too.
The place is quite full, but quiet bits between songs give way to lots of background conversations. Its a bit of a mixed crowd too, some young, some old, tonight's headliner is from the nineties. A couple of familiar faces here too.
Halfway through the set I start to hear the spirit of Muse in the lead guitar and vocals. There's a little of the Joe McAlinden to the vocals too, that breathy trailing thing. Some of the finest whammy bar work I've heard on the lead guitar in a long time.
Cavalcade have something special about, well worth catching the whole set next time they play.

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